Jurisdiction:from phrase iuris dictio, genitive of ius "law, right" + dictio "a saying".


Jurisdictions are essential in order to allocate power correctly. 

Where are you standing in the proper order of jurisdictional power?

Men and women are in between Natural Law and man-made laws. Men and women are the real and governments, societies, persons and corporations are the artificial, the fictional. Fictions need the real to come to life, the opposite is only optional. 

Laws of the land are: Constitutions, Common Law, Case law, Civil law. 
Laws of the sea are: Admiralty, UCC, Merchant, Commercial, Contractual.  

Governments and societies are subject to these laws as they are created by men.

Government's creations are legal persons which are subject to the corporation State. 

Governments' for-profit corporations trick men into becoming persons, reversing like that the proper jurisdictional order and placing men as subjects to the state instead of governments as subject to men. 

Cal Washington explains jurisdictions in this video in exactly minute 16.


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